
A Located Birth Relative’s Story

“When I first received the letter, I was confused because the adopted child (whose daughter asked for contact) was born in 1933.  At that time, my dad and his sisters were small children.  His distant cousins were also youngsters.  I thought there must be a mistake.  Then I remembered my dad’s half-sister, who would have been around 21 years old in 1933.

Once I realized that she was the possible connection, I decided to provide my contact information to CISI to pass along to the person looking for her father’s [birth] family.  I was intrigued about a possible connection to my dad’s mysterious half-sister, whom I had only met once when I was a small child.

Turns out, the baby adopted in 1933 and I share a grandfather.

Since exchanging contact information, [the adoptee’s daughter] and I started by talking on the phone.  Since that initial conversation, we’ve exchanged texts and emails as well as shared family photos.  I am hoping to travel [to her] sometime to meet her in person.”