
Story from the Child of a Deceased Adoptee

“Thank you so much for finding the name of my biological grandma, who placed my mom up for adoption in 1926. Although my dear mom passed 3 years ago, I feel a little more complete since so many questions have been answered. The lovely lady that I was put in contact with (widow of my step uncle) shared with me several photos of my grandma by mail as well as sending me a brooch that belonged to her. We have had several conversations and I now know the names of several distant living relatives who I hope to contact after the pandemic is over. I wish I could have learned a little something about my grandpa. but with [a common last name] it’s a needle in a haystack. It is fun knowing that I resemble my grandma as well and she was a spunky lady that led an incredible life. I visited the town she was born in as well as the cemetery she is buried and now so many questions are answered. Thank you so much for all the hard work that was done to enable me to start this journey.”