Providing Resources to individuals & families

touched by adoption in the state of Illinois

Providing Resources to individuals & families

touched by adoption
in the state of Illinois

Our Impact

Birth Relatives Located
Petitioners Served in 2024
"Satisfied" or "very satisfied" with service

Who is Eligible?

Adopted or surrendered persons 21 years of age or over

Adoptive parents or legal guardians of an adopted or surrendered person under the age of 21

Birth parents of an adopted or surrendered person 21 years of age or over

Adult children, adult grandchildren, adoptive parents, legal guardians, or surviving spouses of a deceased adopted or surrendered persons

Adult birth siblings or birth grandparents of adopted or surrendered persons who are 21 years of age or over whose common birth parent did not file a denial or option E with the IARMIE indicating that the birth parent does not wish to have contact

Adult siblings of a deceased birth parent whose adopted or surrendered child is 21 years of age or over


Your Resources

Use these resources, links, and forms to better understand the Confidential Intermediary process and other options and services that might be available to you.

The Confidential Intermediary Service of Illinois is guided by a specific law that outlines numerous policies and procedures that must be followed by each Certified Confidential Intermediary.

Statute Pertaining to the Confidential Intermediary Program

Illinois Adoption Act

If eligible, you must first successfully register with the Illinois Adoption Registry.  Please see the Illinois Adoption Registry tab to the left.

To request Confidential Intermediary services, you must file a petition with the Court.  You may file in any county in Illinois, and you do not need an attorney.  For details, instructions, and assistance with the filing process, please contact our agency.

Petition for Appointment of a Confidential Intermediary

Information Regarding E-Filing in Illinois

Illinois law requires most petitioners to register with the Illinois Adoption Registry and Medical Information Exchange (IARMIE) before submitting a petition to the Court.  The birth relative being sought may have already registered making a CI search unnecessary.

IARMIE Information and Forms

An adopted or surrendered person born in Illinois 21 years of age or older (or the child, grandchild, or surviving spouse of a deceased adopted or surrendered person) may request a copy of the Original Birth Certificate from the Illinois Department of Public Health.

OBC Request Form

A birth mother or birth father of an adult adopted person born in Illinois may also request a non-certified copy of the Original Birth Certificate from the Illinois Department of Public Health.

OBC Request Form for Birth Parent

If an adoption agency was involved in the placement, you may contact that agency to request non-identifying information from their files and inquire about what other services might be available to you.  There may be a fee associated with those services.

If your Confidential Intermediary learns that an adoption agency was involved in the placement, the name of that agency will be given to you.

Any non-identifying information obtained during the course of your CI case will be provided to you by your CI.

Illinois Law Regarding Release of Non-Identifying Information


***STARTING JANUARY 1, 2024***

If your adoption was facilitated by an adoption agency that is no longer operating, the law will allow you to use CI service to request a non-identifying information report.  The CI will work to access adoption agency records pertaining to your adoption from the closed adoption agency's records kept in storage with the State of Illinois.  You will be provided with a report of any and all non-identifying information from those records in accordance with the law.

Featured Stories

Real stories submitted by individuals impacted by the services offered.

Get in Touch

Talking with our staff about your specific situation is the best way to know if we will be able to help.

We welcome your phone call or email inquiry.



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